eDiscovery AI Job Tracking & Metrics

eDiscovery AI Job Tracking & Metrics

1)     Tracking and Job Metrics

a)      After the documents have been submitted to eDiscovery AI you can monitor the progress of active jobs and view statistics across all jobs.

b)     Tracking Progress

i)        Monitor the progress of the AI analysis in real-time through the eDiscovery AI Request tab in Relativity.



(1)   Job ID – This is a system created unique identifier for each job submitted to eDiscovery AI

(2)   Job Name – An optional user created name used to identify each job submitted to eDiscovery AI. It is best practice to create a job name for every submission and use a consistent naming convention to more easily track work from multiple users.

(3)   Submitted Documents – the total number of from each submission that can be processed by eDiscovery AI. Any documents that are not eligible for review, i.e. documents exceeding maximum file size will not be included in this count.

(4)   Processed Documents – the total number of documents that have completed processing. Comparing Processed Documents to Submitted Documents will allow the user to view the progress of each job.

(5)   Billed Documents – The total number of documents that successfully completed processing that are considered reviewed for billing purposes.

(6)   Skipped Documents – Any technical issue documents that couldn’t be processed will be counted here. These documents will not be billed and will require manual review.

ii)      To view progress of active jobs, refresh your view and the Processed Documents count will increase until it matches the total of Submitted Documents. When those values are equal, the Status of that Job will change from Processing to Complete.

   c)      Once processing is complete you can move on to next steps like Working with eDiscovery AI output, performing validation, or manually reviewing and Technical Issue or Needs Further Review documents. 

2)      Job Reporting

            a)      All job statistics on the eDiscovery AI Request Page are stored permanently and can be used for historical reporting purposes.

            b)     To report on an individual job, or group of jobs it may be easiest to filter the columns to focus exclusively on the jobs of interest. Well organized Job Names can make this process much easier. To filter on a column, click on the filter box at the top of the column, click Advanced, and input the filter criteria such as individual Job Names, Job Status Complete, etc.  

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