eDiscovery AI Prerequisites

eDiscovery AI Prerequisites

eDiscovery AI Prerequisites

Before conducting any type of eDiscovery AI review, the following prerequisites must be met.

1)      System Requirements

a)      Extracted Text - All text based (i.e. emails, word docs) documents must have extracted populated in the Extracted Text field.

b)     Extracted Text Size - It is necessary to have the "Extracted Text Size" field configured for all the documents that are intended to be sent to eDiscovery AI.

i)       If the documents do not have this property set, use the "Set Long Text Field Size" option available in the mass operation section of the Document list. This option will set the "Extracted Text Size" field for multiple documents at once.

ii)      By clicking the "Set Long Text Field Size" option, a new pop-up will be displayed, and it is necessary to apply the following configuration:

iii)    Click "Run," wait for the process to complete, and then close the pop-up window.

Note: This process is not necessary for Audio and Image type documents.

      c)        Native Files – For image or Audio review the documents must include native files. eDiscovery AI currently supports the following native file types: bmp, fpx, gif, ico, jpg, jpeg, png, pntg, ppm, tga, tiff, wav, mp3, mov, ogg.

      d)     File Size Limitations: All text-based documents should have an Extracted Text Size of less than 350 kb. Audio files may not be longer than 12 in length.

2)      Permissions

           a)      View, Edit – Document

b)     Mass Operation – Documents

c)      View, Add - Choice

d)     View, Add, Edit – eDiscovery AI Request

e)      View, Add, Edit – eDiscovery AI Explanation

f)        Update - Layout

          g)      View - Field

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