PII Detection
1. Use eDiscovery AI PII Detect tool to review documents and identify any that contain personally identifiable information. The types of PII considered in each review can be selected and adjusted by the user.
a. To conduct a PII review, identify the set of documents for review and follow the steps below.
i. Navigate to the Hub to set up your PII Template.
i. Select the documents eligible for the PII review and use the mass action, Send to eDiscovery AI.
ii. Note that there is a limit of 15 total PII types that can be run at once regardless of whether they are custom or standard types. For additional PII types, a second template and a second pass over the documents must be run.
2. The documents will be sent to eDiscovery AI and the PII Detect application will review each document for all selected types of PII. If it finds the presence of PII material within the document, eDiscovery AI will identify that information in the assigned PII Results field selected by the user.