eDiscovery AI Release Notes - July 1, 2024

eDiscovery AI Release Notes - July 1, 2024

eDiscovery AI Release Notes – July 1, 2024

The July eDiscovery AI Release includes some exciting new Relativity Plugin features, UI upgrades, and improvements in processing speed and performance. 

Job Name – You now have the option to create your own job name to help simplify organization and tracking of multiple jobs in one workspace.  Previous versions created a job name automatically without user input. 

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Image Review – eDiscovery AI Image review is now available through our Relativity plugin allowing you to simplify your workflow and securely send your image files to eDiscovery AI for review.  Use the exact same process as text documents but now with image files as well. Image review supports the following file types: bmp, fpx, gif, ico, jpg, jpeg, pngpntg, ppm, tga, tiff

Audio Review – Audio review is now available through the Relativity plugin as well, further simplifying the process to review all file types through the same process within the secure Relativity plugin.  The maximum limit for audio files is 12 hours per file. 

UI Upgrades – Users now have larger fields to enter prompts allowing for a better view of the entire prompt and easier editing within the Relativity plugin.  By dragging the lower right corner, these fields are also expandable, allowing even greater visibility of long prompts. The field choice is now a dropdown list making it easier to find the right field to map your results.   

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Improved Job Tracking – The new Job Tracking page within Relativity allows you to track the status of a job in real time allowing for more predictability in larger reviews. This page also stores historical data about jobs making it easy to manage multi-part reviews and report on workspace statistics and billing information

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  1. Submitted Documents – This is the number of documents that were submitted by the user and met the size limitations to be sent to eDiscovery AI.  
  2. Processed Documents – The total number of that have completed processing by eDiscovery AI.  This can be monitored to view how many of the Submitted documents have completed processing.  Simply refresh this page to see real time updates on the status of each job.
  3. Billed documents – Documents that were processed and returned results to Relativity that will be subject to billing.
  4. Skipped documents – Any technical issue documents, e.g. documents exceeding file size limits that were not reviewed. These documents will not be billed. 

Increased Processing Speed - The propagation of results from eDiscovery AI into Relativity was typically the slowest step of the AI review process.  The propagation has now been optimized to dramatically increase speed allowing you to get results much faster. 

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