Using eDiscovery AI in Relativity

Using eDiscovery AI in Relativity

Using eDiscovery AI in Relativity


1)      eDiscovery AI fields and objects can be added to your Relativity Layouts and Views like any other object in Relativity. 

              b)   To add any of the eDiscovery AI fields to your layout, scroll or filter until you’ve found the field(s) you want to add, then drag them on to your layout.



2)     Working with Default Layouts and Views

i)       A layout will automatically be created in Relativity called eDiscovery AI Layout that includes the explanations for each issue, the name of the field used for that issue as well as the prompt the user entered for that issue. Unless the application is unlocked, even users with appropriate permissions may not be able to edit this view.

ii)     Unlocking eDiscovery AI Application

iii)   Navigate to the Relativity Applications tab, locate the eDiscovery AI Relativity application, and click on that application.



iv)   In the right-hand corner, click on the Unlock Application button and click OK in the popup warning window.





3)      Adding eDiscovery AI fields to Relativity Searches & Views

a)      Adding Fields to Views

i)       Go to the "Views" tab.

ii)     Either create a new view or edit an existing one by clicking on its name.

iii)   In the view editor, click edit, then locate the Fields section.



iv)   Filter or scroll to locate the fields used in your eDiscovery AI review.

v)      Double click on a field or select the fields and click the right arrow button to move the selected field from the left column to the right.

vi)   Once all of the desired fields have been moved to the right column, click Save and the view will refresh to include the newly added fields.

b)      Common fields for eDiscovery review include:

i)       eDiscovery AI Summary

ii)     All issue fields associated with the eDiscovery AI Relevance review

iii)   All Privilege fields associated with eDiscovery AI Privilege Review

iv)   The PII type field associated with an eDiscovery AI PII Review

v)      Note - the eDiscovery AI Explanation is a custom object, not a field and therefore cannot be added to document views or searches

4)      Adding Fields to Searches

a)      Go to the "Search" tab in your Relativity workspace.

b)      Click "New Search" or edit an existing saved search.

c)      Click "Add Condition" to open the field selector.

d)      Search for or browse available fields, similar to the process for views.

e)      Select the field you want to add to your search criteria.

f)       Choose an appropriate operator for the field (e.g., any of these, is set)

g)      Check the box next to the field(s) for the search, then click the right arrow to add them to the right column. Click apply when all desired options have been added.

h)      For eDiscovery AI Relevance review, consider adding conditions such as:

i)       Issue “X” is Relevant for all documents eDiscovery AI determined were relevant for that issue

ii)     Issue “X” is set for all documents that were successfully reviewed for that issue by eDiscovery AI.

iii)   Issue “X” is Not set for all documents that have not yet been reviewed by eDiscovery AI for that issue. 

      5)        Displaying Additional Issue Fields

      a)      Select the eDiscovery AI Layout from the eDiscovery AI Request Object Type

      b)     Click Build Layout


                       c)      Filter the Fields menu to Issues, and drag the additional issue fields on to the layout in the desired location and add the corresponding Issue Long Text fields as well. 

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